Monday, December 14, 2009

Coupon Tip - 12/14/09


I was chatting with a reader yesterday (Hi Cathy!!) and she was excited about learning how to coupon. She mentioned though that she didn't know what some of the abbreviations that I use mean so I thought I'd do a quick list of common couponer's abbreviations! As always, if you ever have a question on something I post, post a comment below and I'll be sure to answer!

Common Coupon Abbreviations/Terms
  • B&M - brick and mortar store, a store you can actually walk into (made of bricks and mortar)
  • B1G1 or BOGO - buy one get one
  • B2G1 - buy two get one
  • Blinkie - coupons from smartsource coupon machines instore (there is a light on the side that blinks which is why they are called blinkies.
  • BTFE - Box Tops For Education
  • Cat - short for Catalina coupon
  • Catalina - coupon dispensed after a purchase usually with a store logo printed on it from the store that you received it from. These are distributed by Catalina Marketing.
  • CRT - cash register tape (coupons found at the bottom of receipts usually are called CRTs)
  • DND - do not double
  • ECB - Extra Care Buck (rewards from CVS)
  • FAR - free after rebate
  • GM - General Mills (they often put out separate coupon inserts)
  • Hangtag - coupon found around the neck of a product, usually hanging
  • Insert - coupon insert found in the Sunday paper
  • IP - internet printable
  • IRC- instant retail coupon (also know as peelies)
  • MIR - mail in rebate
  • MM - moneymaker (an item that you make money buying)
  • MQ - manufacturer coupon
  • NAPN/NAPR- no alcohol purchase necessary, no alcohol purchase required
  • NBPN/NBPR - no beer purchase necessary, no beer purchase required
  • NWPN/NWPR - no wine purchase necessary, no wine purchase required
  • OAS - on any size
  • OOP - out of pocket (amount of cash spent)
  • OOS - out of stock
  • Overage - the difference between the price of the item and the value of the coupon if the coupon value is higher. Example, you have a $1 coupon and the item is .99, you have .01 overage.
  • OYNO - on your next order (typically, these are $$$ off coupons to be used on your next order)
  • P&G - Procter & Gamble (they often put out separate coupon inserts)
  • Peelie - coupons that are adhered directly to the item that you have to "peel" off
  • Printable - a coupon that you print from the internet
  • PSA - prices starting at
  • Q - coupon
  • RC - rain check
  • Rebate - mail in offer to receive money back for purchase
  • Rolling - using ECBs, catalinas or register rewards to purchase new items that will generate more ECBs, catalinas or register rewards
  • RP - Red Plum, distributor of Sunday coupon insert
  • RR - Register Reward (offered at Walgreen's)
  • Stacking - using one store coupon and one manufacturer coupon per item
  • Tearpad - coupons offered at the store that you can tear off a pad
  • TMF - Try Me Free form - usually a mail in rebate (MIR) allows you to send in for the full purchase price so that you can try the item for free
  • Wags - Walgreen's
  • Winetag (or WT) - coupon found on the neck of a wine bottle
  • WYB - when you buy
  • YMMV - Your market may vary, deal may or may not work for you
Hope that helps. Let me know if I use any others that you don't know and I'll add them to this list!!

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