Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jewel: Try Something New Ice Cream Catalina - Spend $12 get $4 Catalina

There is a new catalina deal at Jewel through May 12th. Buy $12 worth of specific ice creams and get a $4 catalina. Here are the ice creams included:

Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream or Bars - any size
Edy's any
Edy's Fruit Bars
DIBS any size
Nestle Drumstick
Eskimo Pie
Skinny Cow
Frosty Paws

Remember this works like most catalina deals at Jewel to get the the $12 threshold (on the non-preferred card ring price).

Heres what I did in 2 separate transactions:
2 Edy's Fruit Bars - $2.49 ($4.49 ring price), Used $1.50/2 Cat that's been printing the last few days
1 Drumsticks - $2.49 ($3.49 ring price), Used $1/1 from 5/2 SS
Subtotal $7.47 ($12.47 enough for the cat to print)
Pay after coupons $4.97
Final Price .97 for all 3!

Other deals:

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